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poi Tasso Korallis Villas su tripAdvisor!


Le nostre ville Travelmyth

best dog friendly hotels in KefaloniaKefalonia hotel with parking

dic 5, 2024 - gio
Kefalonia, GR
nubi sparse
14°C nubi sparse
Vento 24 km/h, ESE
Umidità 82%
Pressione 761.31 mmHg
Giorno Cond. Temp. Vento Umidità PressionePres.
gio dic 5
forte pioggia
15/15°C 36 km/h, SE 85% 761.31 mmHg
ven dic 6
pioggia leggera
16/16°C 22 km/h, E 76% 762.82 mmHg
sab dic 7
pioggia moderata
15/15°C 19 km/h, S 90% 761.31 mmHg
dom dic 8
pioggia moderata
17/16°C 41 km/h, OSO 83% 756.06 mmHg
lun dic 9
pioggia leggera
16/14°C 40 km/h, S 70% 762.07 mmHg


Thank you for the wonderful vacation! We enjoyed your hospitality, kindness and the attitude to us, as your guests!
We cannot think of a more beautiful and inviting place to stay in Kefalonia!
Thank you for the amazing experience here, in this wonderful villa, and this wonderful island!

Kefalonia Island

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